Children of the Wild

By Michael Grey

ISBN 9780648815433

RRP $19.99

To be published by Eagle Books, an imprint of Christmas Press, March 2022

About the book:

To Matthew, the village he lives in, his friends, their families and the jungle which surrounds it is the entire world. What’s beyond that great green canopy with its host of dangerous animals is a mystery, but a mystery only he has any interest in solving. Then one day a stranger walks out of the forest, bringing with her questions and a deadly virus, and the village elders are forced to reveal their knowledge for the outside world.

When the first expedition to find a cure doesn’t return, Matthew and his friends must journey into the unknown wilderness before the virus kills everyone he loves. But what he finds out there changes everything he thought he knew about his home.

A gripping, powerful speculative fiction novel for young adults, by a talented new author.

About the author:

Michael Grey is a writer of children’s stories, science fiction, fantasy, contemporary, and horror, and does not see why all those genres shouldn’t be combined. He has had stories published in print, online and in audio, and has been shortlisted for the Parsec and Aurealis Horror novella awards. When he’s not writing stories Michael can usually be found thinking about stories and spending time with his family.

Children of the Wild is his first published novel.

Author Michael Grey

About the illustrator:

Lorena Carrington is a photographic artist and book illustrator based in regional Victoria. She is published in Australia with Serenity Press, and internationally with Kane Miller (US) and Wydawnictwo Tadam (Poland). She has also been commissioned for covers by publishers such as Swan River Press (Ireland), Eagle Books, and the Australian Fairy Tale Society. Lorena exhibits her work in galleries around the country. She presents at literary and arts festivals around Australia, and visits schools and libraries to give talks and hold workshops on illustration, books and story. She is the recipient of the 2020 Australian Fairy Tale Society award, for her ‘outstanding contribution to the field of Australian Fairy Tales.’

Illustrator Lorena Carrington